Lawai'a 'Ohana Camp
Kalanihale hosts itsʻ annual Lawaiʻa ʻOhana Camp ever summer. This ʻāina- based program is tailored for entire family participation. Being in and around our ocean during camp, we teach cultural and safety protocol, lawaiʻa pono, fish anatomy, coastal & marine monitoring, kilo skills, and hawaiian traditional practices. We are grateful to have many collaborators skilled from different disciplines that make our camps unique every year.
These camps allow Kalanihale to focus on developing next generation stewards of our ocean waters. We enjoy seeing our Lawaiʻa Campers return every summer. Some have become our in-residence kilo & kiaʻi, participate in Miloliʻi coastal and intertidal monitoring.
Kalanihale serves as co-manager with the State DLNR to manage Miloliʻiʻs coast and marine resources, Miloliʻiʻs Lawaiʻa ʻOhana Camp has served as an outreach to lawaiʻa families who participate in our camp. Curriculum includes learning lawaiʻa pono, discussions on observations and concerns for our ocean, and rules - current and those being proposed. We are confident that teaching to families allows keiki to be reinforced to practice these sustainable ways in other waters and at home, supported by their mākua. These are our next generation stewards.
If you wish to contribute or participate, please email or call Kaʻimi.
A sincere mahalo to all of our sponsors over the years, our ʻohana Miloliʻi,
and most of all - our kūpuna!