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CBSFA Proposed Rules
by Fisher / Gear
Aquarium Gatherer
Proposed Species Rules
- No aquarium fishing in entire CBSFA
Proposed Species Rules
- State regulations prohibit take of any marine life for commercial aquarium.
Proposed Species Rules
- Entire Miloliʻi CBSFA
Bottom Fisher
Proposed Species Rules
- No proposed rules for this specific fisher practice.
Proposed Species Rules
- No regulation specific to this fisher practice.
Proposed Species Rules
- None
Dive Fisher w/ 3-prong
Proposed Species Rules
- Kole - Limit 20 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
Pākuʻikuʻi - Limit 5 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
Red-lipped palukaluka or spectacled ʻahuʻula - Limit 1 red uhu (female) per day per person (14-20 inches); no harvest March - May
Red-lipped ʻeleʻele or spectacled uliuli - No Harvest of blue uhu (male)
No night spearfishing of uhu
Uhu - all other small bodied species - limit 1 blue and 2 red per person per day
ʻŪʻū - no harvest April - June
Proposed Species Rules
- State regulations prohibits use of 3-prong for take of Ula (lobster)
Proposed Species Rules
- Puaaiʻa Miloliʻi - No spearing of uhu, pākuʻikuʻi, weke ʻula, moanakali, ʻūʻū
Pākuʻikuʻi Rest Area - No harvest of pākuʻikuʻi in the Pākuʻikuʻi rest area (Makahiki Pt. - Honomalino Pt.)
Dive Fisher w/ Arbollet or Speargun
Proposed Species Rules
- Kole - Limit 20 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
Pākuʻikuʻi - Limit 5 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
Red-lipped palukaluka or spectacled ʻahuʻula - Limit 1 red uhu (female) per day per person (14-20 inches); no harvest March - May
Red-lipped ʻeleʻele or spectacled uliuli - No Harvest of blue uhu (male)
No night spearfishing of uhu
Uhu - all other small bodied species - limit 1 blue and 2 red per person per day
ʻŪʻū - no harvest April - June
Proposed Species Rules
- State regulations prohibits use of 3-prong for take of Ula (lobster)
Proposed Species Rules
- Puʻuhonua - No use of arbollet or spear gun in the proposed Puʻuhonua (Papa, Honomalino, Kapua & Manukā) & Puaaiʻa Miloliʻi
Puaaiʻa - No spearing of uhu, pākuʻikuʻi, weke ʻula, moanakali, ʻūʻū
Pākuʻikuʻi Rest Area - No harvest of pākuʻikuʻi in the Pākuʻikuʻi rest area (Makahiki Pt. - Honomalino Pt.)
Gill / Lay Net Fisher
Proposed Species Rules
- Limit 20 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
Pākuʻikuʻi - Limit 5 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
Red-lipped palukaluka or spectacled ʻahuʻula - Limit 1 red uhu (female) per day per person (14-20 inches); no harvest March - May
Red-lipped ʻeleʻele or spectacled uliuli - No Harvest of blue uhu (male)
No night spearfishing of uhu
Uhu - all other small bodied species - limit 1 blue and 2 red per person per day
ʻŪʻū - no harvest April - June
Proposed Species Rules
Proposed Species Rules
- No use of gill/lay net in proposed zones:
Puʻuhonua Pāpā, Pu'uhonua Honomalino, Puʻuhonua Kapuʻa, Puʻuhonua Manukā, Puaaiʻa Miloliʻi
Hook-and-Line (nearshore) Fisher
Proposed Species Rules
Proposed Species Rules
- No regulation specific to this fisher practice.
Proposed rules would apply on take of species:
Proposed Species Rules
Pole & Line Fisher
Proposed Species Rules
- Kole - Limit 20 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
Pākuʻikuʻi - Limit 5 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
Red-lipped palukaluka or spectacled ʻahuʻula - Limit 1 red uhu (female) per day per person (14-20 inches); no harvest March - May
Red-lipped ʻeleʻele or spectacled uliuli - No Harvest of blue uhu (male)
No night spearfishing of uhu
Uhu - all other small bodied species - limit 1 blue and 2 red per person per day
ʻŪʻū - no harvest April - June
Proposed Species Rules
- No regulation specific to this fisher practice.
Proposed Species Rules
SCUBA Spear Fisher
Proposed Species Rules
- None
Proposed Species Rules
- State regulations prohibits use of spear (of any type) for take of Ula (lobster)
Proposed Species Rules
- None
Throw Net Fisher
Proposed Species Rules
- Limit 20 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
Pākuʻikuʻi - Limit 5 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
Red-lipped palukaluka or spectacled ʻahuʻula - Limit 1 red uhu (female) per day per person (14-20 inches); no harvest March - May
Red-lipped ʻeleʻele or spectacled uliuli - No Harvest of blue uhu (male)
No night spearfishing of uhu
Uhu - all other small bodied species - limit 1 blue and 2 red per person per day
ʻŪʻū - no harvest April - June
Proposed Species Rules
Proposed Species Rules
- No use of gill/lay net in proposed zones:
Puʻuhonua Pāpā, Pu'uhonua Honomalino, Puʻuhonua Kapuʻa, Puʻuhonua Manukā, Puaaiʻa Miloliʻi
Trolling Fisher
Proposed Species Rules
- None
Proposed Species Rules
Proposed Species Rules
- None
Ula (lobster) Gatherer
Proposed Species Rules
- Limit 2 per person per day
Proposed Species Rules
- Closed May-August
Minimum size: 3¼ inch (carapace length)
No spearing, whole only, not mutilated.
No taking or killing females
Proposed Species Rules
- None
ʻAʻama Crab Gatherer
Proposed Species Rules
- No harvest of females with eggs
Proposed Species Rules
- No regulation specific to take of this species.
Proposed Species Rules
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