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 CBSFA Proposed Rules
       by Fisher / Gear

Aquarium Gatherer
Proposed Species Rules
    No aquarium fishing in entire CBSFA
Proposed Species Rules
    State regulations prohibit take of any marine life for commercial aquarium.
Proposed Species Rules
    Entire Miloliʻi CBSFA
Bottom Fisher
Proposed Species Rules
    No proposed rules for this specific fisher practice.
Proposed Species Rules
    No regulation specific to this fisher practice.
Proposed Species Rules
Dive Fisher w/ 3-prong
Proposed Species Rules
    Kole - Limit 20 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
    Pākuʻikuʻi - Limit 5 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
    Red-lipped palukaluka or spectacled ʻahuʻula - Limit 1 red uhu (female) per day per person (14-20 inches); no harvest March - May
    Red-lipped ʻeleʻele or spectacled uliuli - No Harvest of blue uhu (male)
    No night spearfishing of uhu
    Uhu - all other small bodied species - limit 1 blue and 2 red per person per day
    ʻŪʻū - no harvest April - June
Proposed Species Rules
    State regulations prohibits use of 3-prong for take of Ula (lobster)
Proposed Species Rules
    Puaaiʻa Miloliʻi - No spearing of uhu, pākuʻikuʻi, weke ʻula, moanakali, ʻūʻū
    Pākuʻikuʻi Rest Area - No harvest of pākuʻikuʻi in the Pākuʻikuʻi rest area (Makahiki Pt. - Honomalino Pt.)
Dive Fisher w/ Arbollet or Speargun
Proposed Species Rules
    Kole - Limit 20 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
    Pākuʻikuʻi - Limit 5 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
    Red-lipped palukaluka or spectacled ʻahuʻula - Limit 1 red uhu (female) per day per person (14-20 inches); no harvest March - May
    Red-lipped ʻeleʻele or spectacled uliuli - No Harvest of blue uhu (male)
    No night spearfishing of uhu
    Uhu - all other small bodied species - limit 1 blue and 2 red per person per day
    ʻŪʻū - no harvest April - June
Proposed Species Rules
    State regulations prohibits use of 3-prong for take of Ula (lobster)
Proposed Species Rules
    Puʻuhonua - No use of arbollet or spear gun in the proposed Puʻuhonua (Papa, Honomalino, Kapua & Manukā) & Puaaiʻa Miloliʻi
    Puaaiʻa - No spearing of uhu, pākuʻikuʻi, weke ʻula, moanakali, ʻūʻū
    Pākuʻikuʻi Rest Area - No harvest of pākuʻikuʻi in the Pākuʻikuʻi rest area (Makahiki Pt. - Honomalino Pt.)
Gill / Lay Net Fisher
Proposed Species Rules
    Limit 20 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
    Pākuʻikuʻi - Limit 5 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
    Red-lipped palukaluka or spectacled ʻahuʻula - Limit 1 red uhu (female) per day per person (14-20 inches); no harvest March - May
    Red-lipped ʻeleʻele or spectacled uliuli - No Harvest of blue uhu (male)
    No night spearfishing of uhu
    Uhu - all other small bodied species - limit 1 blue and 2 red per person per day
    ʻŪʻū - no harvest April - June
Proposed Species Rules
Proposed Species Rules
    No use of gill/lay net in proposed zones: Puʻuhonua Pāpā, Pu'uhonua Honomalino, Puʻuhonua Kapuʻa, Puʻuhonua Manukā, Puaaiʻa Miloliʻi
Hook-and-Line (nearshore) Fisher
Proposed Species Rules
Proposed Species Rules
    No regulation specific to this fisher practice.
    Proposed rules would apply on take of species:
Proposed Species Rules
Pole & Line Fisher
Proposed Species Rules
    Kole - Limit 20 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
    Pākuʻikuʻi - Limit 5 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
    Red-lipped palukaluka or spectacled ʻahuʻula - Limit 1 red uhu (female) per day per person (14-20 inches); no harvest March - May
    Red-lipped ʻeleʻele or spectacled uliuli - No Harvest of blue uhu (male)
    No night spearfishing of uhu
    Uhu - all other small bodied species - limit 1 blue and 2 red per person per day
    ʻŪʻū - no harvest April - June
Proposed Species Rules
    No regulation specific to this fisher practice.
Proposed Species Rules
SCUBA Spear Fisher
Proposed Species Rules
Proposed Species Rules
    State regulations prohibits use of spear (of any type) for take of Ula (lobster)
Proposed Species Rules
Throw Net Fisher
Proposed Species Rules
    Limit 20 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
    Pākuʻikuʻi - Limit 5 fish per day per person (5 inches or larger)
    Red-lipped palukaluka or spectacled ʻahuʻula - Limit 1 red uhu (female) per day per person (14-20 inches); no harvest March - May
    Red-lipped ʻeleʻele or spectacled uliuli - No Harvest of blue uhu (male)
    No night spearfishing of uhu
    Uhu - all other small bodied species - limit 1 blue and 2 red per person per day
    ʻŪʻū - no harvest April - June
Proposed Species Rules
Proposed Species Rules
    No use of gill/lay net in proposed zones: Puʻuhonua Pāpā, Pu'uhonua Honomalino, Puʻuhonua Kapuʻa, Puʻuhonua Manukā, Puaaiʻa Miloliʻi
Trolling Fisher
Proposed Species Rules
Proposed Species Rules
Proposed Species Rules
Ula (lobster) Gatherer
Proposed Species Rules
    Limit 2 per person per day
Proposed Species Rules
    Closed May-August
    Minimum size: 3¼ inch (carapace length)
    No spearing, whole only, not mutilated.
    No taking or killing females
Proposed Species Rules
ʻAʻama Crab Gatherer
Proposed Species Rules
    No harvest of females with eggs
Proposed Species Rules
    No regulation specific to take of this species.
Proposed Species Rules
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