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CBSFA Proposed Rules
by Area / Zone
Miloliʻi CBSFA

From Kīpahoehoe (North) to Kaunā (South)
Depth of 100 fathoms offshore
Proposed Area Rules
- All fishing access will remain open in the entire CBSFA.
Each proposed zone with itʻs permitted fishing practices are to sustain healthy conditions of the area and promote replenishable fish stock.
Puʻuhonua Pāpā
From Cinder Pile in Pāpā Bay to Makahiki Point
Approx. 1.95 miles or 1.19 sq. miles
Proposed Area Rules
- No take of ʻopihi of all 3 species
No use of fishing gear other than throw net & scoop net from shore and hook-and-line from shore or vessel
No use of arbollet or spear gun
No use of gill or cross net
Honomalino Puʻuhonua
From Honomalino (North of bay) to Puʻu Keʻokeʻo (near kiawe bush)
Approx. 1.24 miles or 1.1 sq. miles
Proposed Area Rules
- No take of ʻopihi of all 3 species
No use of fishing gear other than throw net & scoop net from shore and hook-and-line from shore or vessel
No use of arbollet or spear gun
No use of gill or cross net
Puʻuhonua Kapuʻa
From South of Okoe Bay to Kaupō.
Approx. 1.2 miles or 0.98 sq. miles
Proposed Area Rules
- No take of ʻopihi of all 3 species
No use of fishing gear other than throw net & scoop net from shore and hook-and-line from shore or vessel
No use of arbollet or spear gun
No use of gill or cross net
Puʻuhonua Manukā
From Manukā Bay (North point) to Manukā Bay (South point).
Approx. 0.86 miles or 0.37 sq. miles
Proposed Area Rules
- No take of ʻopihi of all 3 species
No use of fishing gear other than throw net & scoop net from shore and hook-and-line from shore or vessel
No use of arbollet or spear gun
No use of gill or cross net
ʻŌpelu Traditional Management Zone

Nāpōhakuloloa (North) to Kapua Point (South)
Proposed Area Rules
- Open ‘Ōpelu Season September - January
Closed Spawning ‘Ōpelu Season* February – August
* Take of ‘ōpelu by hook-and-line only is allowed
Pākuʻikuʻi Rest Area
Makahiki Point (North) to Honomalino Point (South)
Proposed Area Rules
- No take of pāku’iku’i (achilles tang: Acanthurus achilles)
Puaaiʻa Miloli'i
Miloli’i Lighthouse (North) to Laeloa Point (South)
Proposed Area Rules
Use 3- prong to spearfish non-regulated species
Use hook and line from shore or vessel
Use throw net or scoop net from shore
Use lay/gill net
No use of speargun or arbollete
No spearing (with any gear) of:
𐄂 Uhu
𐄂 Pākuʻikuʻi
𐄂 Weke ʻUla
𐄂 Moanakali
𐄂 ʻŪʻū (menpachi)
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