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CBSFA Proposed Rules
       by Resource Species


Aquarium Fish
Proposed Species Rule
    No aquarium fishing in entire CBSFA
Existing State Rules
    State regulations prohibit take of any marine life for commercial aquarium.
Proposed Species Rule
    Minimum Size: 5 inches (FL)
    Bag Limit: No more than 20 fish per person per day
    No take during spawning season (March – June)
Existing State Rules
    There are no regulations specific to take of this species.
Proposed Species Rule
    Minimum Size: 5 inches (FL)
    Bag Limit: No more than 5 fish per person per day
    Prohibited from taking in the Pāku’iku’i Rest Zone from Makahiki Point to Honomalino Point
Existing State Rules
Uhu (Larger)
Proposed Species Rule
    Minimum Size: 14 inches (FL)
    Maximum Size: 20 inches (FL)
    Bag Limit: No more than 1 red uhu (female) per person per day
    No take of blue uhu
    No harvest during spawning season (March – May)
    No night spearfishing (3-prong or arbolette) of Uhu
    Spectacled: uliuli-male, ‘ahu’ula-female (Chlorurus perspicillatus)
    Red-lipped: uhu ‘ele’ele-male, pālukaluka-female (Scarus rubroviolaceus)
Existing State Rules
    Uhu uliuli & eleele (blue males) - Taking prohibited on Maui

    Uhu ʻahuʻula & pālukaluka (red females) - Minimum size is 14 inches and 2 total of all species
Uhu (Smaller)
Proposed Species Rule
    Bag Limit: no more than 1 blue and 2 red per person per day
    No night spearfishing (3-prong or arbolette) of Uhu
Existing State Rules
    Minimum size 12 inches (Statewide except Maui -10 inches)

    Bag limit - 2 total all species (Maui only)
Proposed Species Rule
    Bag Limit: 2 per day per person
Existing State Rules
    Closed May-August
    Minimum size: 3¼ inch (carapace length)
    No spearing, whole only, not mutilated.
    No taking or killing females
Proposed Species Rule
    No take females with eggs in entire CBSFA
Existing State Rules
    There are no regulations specific to take of this species.
Proposed Species Rule
    Makaiāuli (blackfoot / Cellana exarata) ‘Ālinalina (yellowfoot / Cellana sandwicensis) - 1 gallon size Bag Limit: no more than 1 bag per person per day (with shell)
    Kō’ele (Cellana talcosa):
    No take in entire CBSF
    No take of any species of ‘opihi from any Pu’ūhonua Zone (Pāpā, Honomalino, Kapua, Manukā)
Existing State Rules
    Minimum size 1 ¼ inch (shell diameter)
    ½ inch (meat diabetes, if meat only)
Proposed Species Rule
    Open Season: September - January
    Close Spawning Season: February - August in ‘Ōpelu Traditional Management Zone
    No take of ‘ōpelu using net in ‘Ōpelu Traditional Management Zone (Nāpōhakuloloa - Kapu’a)
    Hook and line of ‘ōpelu take ALLOWED
Existing State Rules
    No minimum mesh size;

    Unlawful to use animal bait except with hook-and-line in waters of South Kona between Kiʻilae-Keokea and Kapuʻa-Kaulanamauna boundaries
Proposed Species Rule
    No take during Spawning Season (April - June)
Existing State Rules
    There are no regulations specific to take of this species.
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